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Scopri Tessimete
La nostra magia
Disegniamo i nostri outfit sulla base delle tue esigenze e personalità. Il nostro pallino è creare un tessuto che non si stropicci e che ti faccia sentire comoda fino a sera.
Ogni outfit trasmette una personalità diversa sia a te che a chi ti guarda. Dichiara chi sei al mondo.
Sentiti comoda fino a sera con i nostri capi grazie alle proprietà elastiche e termoregolanti di queste fibre.
Le tue scelte saranno 100% green, visto che tutti i capi sono privi di plastiche e riciclabili.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Tessimete for?
Tessimete garments are designed for modern, dynamic and active women who want to feel fashionable , both in the office and on less formal occasions.
What is Emotional Design?
It comes from an artistic technique called "juxtaposition" used in the past to capture people's gaze towards a painting, arousing particular emotions.
We use it to create our garments and induce particular emotions both in those who wear them and in those who observe them.
What are Vegetable Fibers?
They are particular fibres derived from wood processing which enhance commonly used fabrics such as silk or cotton .
In this you will have:
- A convenience until the evening;
- Anti-stretch properties;
- Thermo-regulating fabrics;
Is there a guarantee?
Satisfied or Your Money Back . Try our clothes for 30 days risk-free. If you are not happy with the way the clothes make you feel or their comfort, we will refund you, no questions asked.